Class Venues
Sage Yoga Studio – Tuesdays 10-11am
Our Tuesday morning Feldenkrais class is held at the Sage Yoga Studio at the Derwentside Shopping Mill in Belper.

Parking is free but please park in the spaces right outside the Studio entrance, if they are full then you can use a space in the Shopping Mill car park.
Getting there
The studio is easy to get to — it’s off Derwent Street just a short walk from Belper town centre.
Sage Yoga Studio, Derwentside Shopping Mill (Off Derwent Street), Belper DE56 1WN
Driving: From Bridge St, turn in to Derwent St then right opposite the Library. Go through the first car park and it’s just on the right as you go through the gates into the second car park for the shopping mill. Please park in the spaces outside the Studio entrance, if they are full then you can use a space in the Shopping Mill car park.
Public transport: The bus station and several bus stops are close by and the studio is also just a short walk from Belper train station.